Explore Our Different Roast Levels

Dark Roasts

Our dark roast beans are roasted to a deep, mahogany color, resulting in a rich, full-bodied and intense flavor profile. With low acidity and hints of bittersweet chocolate, these beans actually have a slightly lower caffeine content compared to lighter roasts due to the longer roasting process, resulting in a smoother and more mellow energy boost.

Medium Roasts

Balanced and versatile, our medium roast beans are roasted to a rich chestnut color, striking the perfect harmony between the acidity and body. This roast level unlocks a diverse range of flavors, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a well-rounded and approachable cup. Medium roasts offer a moderate caffeine content, providing a sustained energy boost without the sharp spike associated with lighter roasts.

Light Roasts

Our light roast coffee blends are gently roasted to preserve the delicate flavors inherent in each bean. With a light, golden hue and lively acidity, these beans offer bright, fruity and floral notes. Light roasts tend to have a higher caffeine content compared to darker roasts due to the shorter roasting time, making them a popular choice for those seeking a caffeine boost without a heavy body.

Coffee Blends

Our carefully crafted coffee blends are expertly curated to showcase the best characteristics of each bean. Combining beans from different origins and roast levels, our blends offer a unique and complex flavor profile, with a variety of caffeine levels.


With a bold and concentrated flavor profile, our espresso beans are specially selected and roasted to perfection, ensuring optimal extraction and a rich, velvety texture. Espressos have a high caffeine concentration per ounce due to the concentrated extraction process, providing a quick and potent energy boost, which can be enjoyed on its own or as the foundation of an espresso-based beverage.